Bryce Harrington schrieb:
Forgot to mention, I've also updated the Roadmap, and listed some more specific tasks:
Regarding the C++-ification of SPObjects, what is the best way to proceed? As I understand it, it is not really possible (or feasible) to mix GObjects and true C++ objects so I suppose that we would need to first switch "under the hood" and then get rid of the GObject framework in one go, right?
So for each SPObject a corresponding C++ class needs to be created which encapsulates its functionality, and all the SPObject "methods" would be changed to only call the corresponding ones of the new class (as seems to already be the case in sp-item-group.cpp). Is that correct or am I getting something completely wrong here? Should we keep a list on the wiki for which SPObjects this conversion has already be done so that we can keep track of the progress?