On 2-9-2013 23:32, su_v wrote:
> On 2013-09-02 18:02 +0200, Johan Engelen wrote:
>> On 2-9-2013 16:33, su_v wrote:
>>> On 2013-09-02 15:36 +0200, Jan Darowski wrote:
>>>> I will fix these things so there is no need to report them in the
>>>> bug tracker. To be honest, behavior described by you as the first
>>>> problem (UI regression) is done like that on purpose. I believe it's
>>>> more natural this way but if you wish it changed, there is no
>>>> problem.
>>> It is not up to me to decide how to implement NewFromTemplate in detail
>>> - this one change in behavior of 'Ctrl+N' simply struck me as odd quite
>>> early on while testing trunk with the new templates dialog. Why would
>>> Inkscape suddenly prevent me from opening multiple new documents in one
>>> go? It felt like an unintentional change to me.
>>> What do others think about this?
>> Perhaps when trying some new templates, you can kind-off cycle through
>> them that way, without opening a ton of new windows... Just
>> brainstorming here..
> tl;drHeh, I'd change it back to the old behavior too :-)
> I wasn't "trying some new templates", I actually wanted to open a second
> new document (in its own window) just after launching inkscape.
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