On 01/26/2009 01:51 PM, Diederik van Lierop wrote:
On 01/26/2009 05:48 PM, bulia byak wrote:
Otherwise too many people will be upset by the change. Let's limit rotation to Shift+drag. In that case you can display the anchor only while Shift is pressed, thus reducing visual clutter and preventing "what's this" questions.
Wouldn't it be good if we could select a guide, just as we can select objects? It should then become selected when you click it, and remain selected (and red) until you click it again or until you select any other object. This way we can select multiple guides at the same time, to move them in parallel or to delete them all at once, etc. In that case you could choose to only draw the anchor when it's selected. When moving the anchor it should move in two degrees of freedom, with snapping (I will take care of the snapping once you're done), and with CTRL pressed it should move only along the guide. SHIFT should disable the snapping IMO.
We should also have a list of guides in the document properties dialog, one day. That tab just feels too empty ;-)
Selecting guides would definitely be great. As usual though... if they're selectable, just as "delete" was recommended, it would be great to have the rest of our "universal" keys work with them (the node tool is the best reference).
Insert should place guides between all selected guides (not sure how it works with interesting guides though).
< and > would scale the guides (the distance between selected guides really).
[ and ] would rotate around the center of the selection of guides (should also work on a single guide around it's rotation handle).
Arrow Keys move all selected guides.
The above keys would also behave the same as other tools when using Ctrl or Alt modifiers.
That's all I can think of at the moment... but figured it would be worth chiming in with.
Cheers, Josh