The code base itself is obviously the ultimate reference, but it's
essential for new devs to have a wiki that explains the what a SPView /
SPNamedView / SPDesktop / SPDocument etc. are.  That will give you the
big picture much faster.

I learnt some time ago that a good strategy for me to writting documentation or other usually boring stuff is to do it by chatting with other people (usually instant messaging about the subject). Then I refactor the chat log into a piece of text. That way, the ideas flow better and less painfully than when I try to write stuff laone with the sensation of being talking to the text editor.

Since I still don't know what SPViews and SPNamedViews are and I only have a vague idea about what the other SP's you mentioned are, then I would encourage you (Diederik) to explain that to me (maybe here, maybe someday on IRC). Then we refactor it. Then we publish it.
