W dniu 24 czerwca 2010 03:39 użytkownik Igor Novikov <igor.e.novikov@...400...> napisał:
This way is really slow. On first stage of sK1 "cairofication" we also used direct drawing on Xlib surface. But as I have noticed in my presentation on LGM 2007, the surface is slow, because it uses X11 protocol. So rendering scheme:
model -> cairo -> Xlib surface (i.e. XWin)
should be considered as:
X CLIENT X SERVER model ->cairo -> xlib -> | X11 | ->Xlib -> XWin
The X11 protocol only needs to be used when the X server is remote. When the X server is local, the Xshm extension can be used, making X drawing at least as fast as the image surface. Additionally, the Xrender extension can be used to accelerate some compositing operations.
At the moment I changed to using an intermediate image surface, but the two approaches differ only in the initialization. At the end of my project I will benchmark them both and use the faster one.
Regards, Krzysztof