-----Original Message----- From: Hannes Hochreiner [mailto:hannes@...1905...] Sent: 29 May 2010 21:00 To: Inkscape Devel List Subject: [Inkscape-devel] Talk at EuroPython 2010
Dear all:
Harald Armin Massa was so kind as to invite me to give a talk at EuroPython 2010 on JessyInk. The talk will focus in particular on the Inkscape extensions I wrote for JessyInk.
As such, I thought it might be a very good opportunity to promote Inkscape, provide people with an introduction to writing Python extensions for Inkscape and to present new features or plans that concern Inkscape's extension facility.
Therefore, I would like to ask for your input:
*) What are the most essential points that have to mentioned when it comes to Inkscape extensions written in Python ("inkex" and install dirs come to mind)?
*) Are there any (Python) extensions that demonstrate interesting / unusual / particularly helpful patterns that would be helpful for someone looking to develop new extensions?
*) Is there any page / tutorial / other place (irc?, this mailing list?) that you would like to have mentioned where developers can get help when they have an extension related problem?
*) Are there any new features or exciting plans for the future of the extension facility that I should tell people about?
(This page could perhaps use some more explanations: http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Extensions The list of parameter types that is given should be extended with how they work.) For new stuff: it is relatively easy to add new parameter types. So if someone wants a new type (like a slider control as requested in another mail thread), it is pretty easy to program into Inkscape.
Cheers, Johan