just for the record: http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/poppler/2010-February/005560.html
so far I do not see any work on generic interface on the poppler side on the cairo side I heard some rumor that someone is working on cmyk implementation but there is nothing about on the roadmap nor todo list on the website.
the german computer magazin c't testet some vector graphics programs in a recent issue: only inkscape does not handle cmyk correctly.
2010/9/15 Jon Cruz <jon@...18...>:
On Sep 14, 2010, at 3:41 PM, Krzysztof Kosiński wrote:
W dniu 14 września 2010 12:43 użytkownik the Adib <theadib@...1439...> napisał:
Now as 0.48 is out, how about the poppler problem? How do we proceed?
regards, Adib.
Right now, I see 3 options
1: Use poppler-glib to render to a Cairo SVG surface. 2: Convince Poppler developers to stabilize the internal API. 3: Fork Poppler. 4. Use a different PDF library.
1 is good but might reduce the quality of imported documents. 2 is best but very unlikely. 3 is antisocial and evil but would preserve the current PDF import capability without regressions. I don't know much about other PDF libraries so can't comment on 4.
You missed the other option, get a new public API from the poppler developers.
That is actually what they agreed upon, and need feedback on crafting.