Following our year-ago sodipodi discussions, I tried to increase the maximum zoom. It did not work because at about 70x, paths were simply disappearing. So I went into libnr and simplistically replaced all floats with doubles and all shorts with ints. And it worked! Now I can draw at 256x and there does not seem to be any serious problems. I have uploaded the (very simple) patch to the patch tracker. Please test and report your experience. What should be done:
- The patch must be reviewed by someone more knowledgeable than me. I don't quite understand what I did (even though it worked).
- The precision of SVG files must also be increased. Currently it's 6 digits; will 8 digits be enough?
- There are some nasty renderer bugs that are made more evident by this change. See this wiki page:
If someone can have a look at the bugs listed there it would be really great.
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