W dniu 6 lipca 2011 01:48 użytkownik Josh Andler <scislac@...400...> napisał:
While I'm not a huge fan of multiple windows like that, I see where it's useful, and typically that's where someone will just open another view of the same document.
Opening the same file two times is perfectly OK and there are valid use cases for this. What's not OK is propagating changes between those two "views", which appears to be the intention of the separation between "documents" and "windows" and Jon's implicit suggestion that one document (in the sense of SP tree, not a file) can be edited in more than one window.
I hope someone understands what I'm talking about. It's not about opening the same file two times, which is OK, it is about something like synchronizing the view of this file in those two windows, and I think it's very bad. At the moment Inkscape does not do the latter, but there are some code structures intended to allow it.
I think the issue you're describing could be dealt with by us detecting changed files on disk (much like how gedit does it)... this would especially be nice if files linked to your doc are changed on-disk and giving a notification and offering to refresh the view of them. Just a thought.
That would be an interesting feature to have.
Regards, Krzysztof