On 10 nov. 05, at 05:00, Michael Wybrow wrote:
On Wed, 9 Nov 2005, jiho wrote:
On 9 nov. 05, at 01:13, Michael Wybrow wrote:
There were a couple of problems with this package:
- It was missing all the translation files. This is probably
due to a bug in your version of gcc which causes the configure test for a valid "dgettext" function to fail, even though it exists on OS X. (I've had the same problem. A workaround is to set "ac_cv_lib_intl_dgettext=yes"
My version of gcc is gcc 3.3 from os X on Tiger. How can I check if the nightlies I built have the same problem?
The nightlies have the problem if they are missing the Inkscape.app/ Contents/Resources/locale directory or it is empty.
ok thank you. I'll check but know you have given me the hint of the compile option it should be ok.
About package size: my packages are 24.8 MB and the resulting inkscape is 80 MB and I am apparently missing some files. Yours are 14 MB and resulting Inkscape is 32 MB and is complete. what am I doing wrong???
You're not doing anything wrong. It just that mine are stripped, and yours are not (i.e., the libraries still include all the debugging information).
ok then... how do I strip them down? ;-) I think it will be better to have small packages, especially for the nighlies because they are downloaded directly from inkscape website and not through sourceforge download manager. then, if people encounter issues it will be easy to provide them with debugging enabled builds.
Additional note about python: As I understand it, python is shipped with mac os X, even without the developers packaged installed. does somebody knows if pyXML is somewhere inside this? fink apparently has a package pyxml for different versions of python but it requires to install python from fink which is a waste of space and compile time. in addition, know that there is an Inkscape package it would be great to be able to use it completely without fink. My idea behind this is that, as effects are enabled by default now, as most of them require pyxml, as mac os X has python and as mac users are lazy and want ready to use stuff, would it be possible to use os x python, or provide them with a package or... whatever.
I haven't looked at python or getting the effects working without fink. Please feel free explore what needs to be done to get this working nicely.
I'll try to search for this but I am probably not the best person for this and would appreciate help from anybody.
JiHO --- Windows, c'est un peu comme le beaujolais nouveau : a chaque nouvelle cuvee on sait que ce sera degueulasse, mais on en prend quand meme par masochisme. --- http://jo.irisson.free.fr/