a new update on my patch to render feimage filter primitive from referenced svg elements. Still not working, but probably very close to accomplishing the task.
These two lines are puzzling me. I am not sure what does the state attribute mean. Can anybody help?
ai->state = NR_ARENA_ITEM_STATE_BBOX; nr_arena_item_invoke_render(NULL, ai, &rect, pb, NR_ARENA_ITEM_RENDER_NO_CACHE);
the nr_arena_item_invoke_render is not rendering the svgelement at all.
On Feb 1, 2008 4:44 PM, Felipe Sanches <felipe.sanches@...400...> wrote:
this is my updated patch for hadling svgelements referenced by id on the feImage filter primitive.
It is not working yet but is much better than the previous patch I sent to the list. Now the URIReference is properly handled and a NRArena/NRArenaItem created. Then I create a pibblock and render the svg element in it.
When I call the nr_arena_item_invoke_render method I get this error:
** (inkscape:6874): WARNING **: rendering element File display/nr-arena-item.cpp line 308 (?): Assertion item->state & NR_ARENA_ITEM_STATE_BBOX failed
I dont know how to get rid of this one. I am going to travel now and will be back only next week. If anybody wants to give it a try, this patch needs a last touch to get working.
(it also adds an extra button to the feImage settings UI: to use an element instead of an image, you must select the desired element and then click on the "SVG Element" button)
best wishes, Juca