I'm trying to write a wiki article for users on how to contribute to documentation (using doc book and the wiki). Immediately I got several ideas for the wiki and then also realized I'm not even sure where to add a wiki page since the main page is read-only (I can understand why, I just don't know where to add some new pages, especially pages that might need some helpful corrections by others).
Also some new Wiki ideas: Add a fourth column to the top headlined "Beginners" (remember it's beginners that need documentation and how-tos the most). Under beginners there could be a "Tutorials" page with links to tutorials from users. Another page titled "How-Tos" and on that page start some how-tos on simple things like "How-To Draw An Icon", "How-To do an animated cartoon".... Maybe how-tos should be short - otherwise make them tutorials. Another page "Tips & Tricks" - here maybe info on printing, using potrace etc. And I thought I could add my article page here on "Add Hot SVG Graphics to your Web Site" which talks about why svg, adding a svg image to html, and what browsers support SVG, etc. I also thought under the non-coders section to add a page on "Trade Shows" - how volunteers can help out that way. Do any of these sound useful? Where is the best place to create these new pages? John