Hi Maren,
On Sun, 05 Apr 2015 18:58:41 +0200 Maren Hachmann <maren@...3165...> wrote:
Am 05.04.2015 um 07:59 schrieb Shlomi Fish:
On Sat, 04 Apr 2015 20:46:39 -0400 Martin Owens <doctormo@...400...> wrote:
[Anonymous user wrote:]
Hello, I am inkscape user a long time and would like to give them a good idea. It's about the crashes that this system has, I do not have one of the best computers for the program and even money to buy one, use Inkscape to create banners, buttons, design and other utilities. But I have observed a problem that this disturbing me since a long time, constant crashes when using the system so as to force the hardware to work harder, end up having the disappointment of locking and the sudden closure of the program. Ending my nearly four hours, I find it very bad for those who use it to earn their daily bread, lose work and effort, it's hard to see your project going down the drain because of the program. The idea that want to give you is to save atomáticamente before locking, for example, when the program crashes before closing runs an external module that saves the project in the cache memory or hard disk (eliminating the error that caused the problem), so when you return to the systems he recovers. Or display a screen saying, "There was an unexpected error, you want to save before closing" or "recover your project before closing," it would be very good system to bring us this information to avoid loss of users.
One option to help mitigate this problem is to save periodic snapshots of the state of the worked documents to disk every short time interval. Is there interest in it?
Hi Shlomi,
this feature can be activated here (in 0.91): Edit -> Preferences -> Input/Output -> Autosave
And there exists also some kind of 'emergency saving', never needed it, though, fortunately. I seem to remember that it doesn't always work (probably depending on the severity/kind of crash). Probably the person who wrote that to the Inkscape webmaster just wasn't aware of these features, and maybe they didn't know where to look for the emergency-saved file. Also, I think this emergency save usually displays a message to the user.
I see. Thanks for the insights.
Shlomi Fish