-----Original Message----- From: Josh Andler [mailto:scislac@...400...] Sent: 04 February 2011 09:06
On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 11:55 PM, <J.B.C.Engelen@...1578...>
- not providing functionality that I need often, while providing
functionality that is rarely used
What are you looking for? As long as I have things like "pull", "push", "add", "commit", "uncommit", "status", "diff", and other basics... I'm pretty good.
(I have become to hate bzr with quite some passion, so my arguments may be biased.) Most of the joy of version control (SVN) is gone for me, since there is no decent UI bzr client with Explorer integration, like TortoiseSVN. Unfortunately TortoiseBZR is *not* close to TortoiseSVN.
From the top of my head here are some things that annoy me:
- that I can no longer see the overlays on file icons that say that the file is changed/unchanged/ignored/unversioned/... (I had to turn off this feature in tortoisebzr, otherwise explorer becomes really slow and unusable; ask any other windows dev) - The commit dialog can be quirky and slow, and does not show earlier commit messages (it can show unversioned files, but does not seem to save the status of the checkbox). - Resolving conflicts is something I do not understand in bzr. (e.g. just now I've been doing all kinds of tricks to get my tree 'correct' again) - No fixed revision numbers?! - I no longer dare to use the bzr update dialog, which also does not provide functionality to keep up-to-date about the source code, like TortoiseSVN does: click button "Show log..." and it only shows the log entries of changes since last update. - when an operation fails halfway, 50% chance of the tree being damaged, and completely new checkout needed, which takes a long time and can again fail halfway... I'm sure there are other devs that can append more to this list. One of the problems of explaining my annoyance with bzr is that if you have not used TortoiseSVN, it is perhaps hard to understand how easy, fun, understandable, and seamless a versioning system can be. For me, a versioning system without a UI is unusable for a big project like Inkscape. (say you want to revert/add/... some files, but not all, but they are spread around the tree a little bit. You'd have to type all those path/filename in the commandline, and of course you are going to forget some files since you have no overview whatsoever. With a UI, simply click some checkboxes)
And to repeat, I really am willing to pay money to go back to SVN.
Ciao, Johan