A very quick response, my apologies. The function plotter uses the notebook parameter (funcplot.inx) and the path along path extension uses the enum parameter (pathalongpath.inx). I think those provide enough working knowledge of how to use them. There is also a radiobutton_example.inx file which you can look at. At the moment no extension uses this so it is the only example.
The parameters listed at http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/ScriptingHOWTO are all the available parameters. There was a request for a multiline text input parameter, but it has not been implemented yet. It is not hard to implement a new parameter, so if you have special needs do not hesitate to look at /src/extension/parameter.cpp etc.
I am sorry I have not written more documentation on the recently added parameters, but I think the examples are clear enough.
Regards, Johan
On Wed, 2007-02-28 at 11:11 +0100, warnhold@...1632... wrote:
Hello Alexandre,
On 2/28/07, warnhold wrote:
I try to add some new Python scripts to Inkscape in a project with my students. We need information where the ".inx"-file interface is described. There are other types than only int, bool, float or string to be passed to the script. But we did not find a description how to. Can anyone give us a hint where to find the file format definition of the ".inx" file and where to find some working examples?
Examples? You mean a couple of dozens .inx files bundled with Inkscape? :)
The .inx files in the sources only contain parameter types int, bool, float, string. In the sources I found mentioned an enumeration type and something called "notebook". Are there more? What is accepted by the program and where (maybe in the sources) can I read about it?