On 8/8/05, Joshua A. Andler <joshua@...533...> wrote:
Bulia, would you find the ability to "record" and "playback" strokes to be beneficial (recording data straight from the tablet for position, pressure, & tilt for later use)? Or should I not bother with it since once the brush tool is implemented we would effectively eliminate most uses for it? I see it as beneficial for saving a stroke to be replayed with different parameters using the calligraphy tool... but as with all real brush tools, we'd basically have "brush stroke" objects that would be created that could have various brushes applied instead.
I think that while this may be useful currently, in general the "record/play" concept is too complex and too foreign to Inkscape. I don't think it's worth to introduce it for so limited purpose. Our main concept is "objects are tweakable", and we must use it. Which means, in this case, work towards real stroke objects whose parameters are editable at any time, not just filled shapes as now.