En 6 mar. 2019, en 0:41, Martin Owens <
Dear Inkscape,
We had an involved discussion about membership in the Inkscape
project; how we can be welcoming and how we can organise ourselves for
both casual and formal mentoring.
1. To increase the number of contributors to the Inkscape project.
2. To actively improve the diversity of the project.
3. To inspire developers to develop for users needs.
We already have a code of conduct, which is a firm code that everyone
who is a part of Inkscape must abide to in order to be a part of this
community. But on top of this, we wish to draft a "Universal Greeting"
policy. This establishes the ways in which existing contributors
interact with new contributors and users who may become contributors.
We wish all Inkscape project contributors to be casual mentors to all
other contributors and be mindful of our roles as guides.
The goal is to improve the welcoming atmosphere of all of our official
channels by providing a clear declaration of what being a good greeter
is as well as a clear list of possible responses to each of the
various questions, suggestions and criticisms of the project.
Contributors do not have to sign up to the policy, but may be asked to
not respond to new contributors until a greeter has had a chance to
direct the new person to the right places for kind of contribution
they want to make.
* [ ] Draft Universal Greeting Declaration. How to basics
* [ ] Document of Topics and good responses.
The next topic involves the old Inkscape Roadmap. This is sometimes
known as the Inkscape Forecast as it's less of a document of what
Inkscape will do, or even wishes it could do, but a way to document
what things contributors are known to be working on and interested in.
To improve this whole process of direction in the project and improve
how new features land we wish to create a "Forecast Party", these are
monthly events which would be hosted on Rocket Chat (and IRC) where we
A. In the meeting before a release, review the whole forecast and
decide on the big picture direction of the project.
B. After a new release, have a landing space for new contributors to
the project where we talk about the exiting possibilities and act as a
meet and greet for everyone.
C. All other months would be a focus on a specific forecast or wish
list item. For example on month may be CMYK, another month may be
multi-page. The idea is to get experts and excited people into the
same room and talking about the next steps for the feature, throwing
open the doors to the Inkscape project and promoting the events as a
way to get into moving Inkscape forwards. Show and tell, videos and
other media are expected to be parts of the meeting.
* [ ] Create a rocket chat channel for the new event
* [ ] Talk with vectors team about how to promote the events into the
wider community
* [ ] Talk with other developers about promoting the events in developer spaces
* [ ] Schedule some events to kick of the project. An introductory
meeting to talk about the forecast list itself and what we should be
meeting about next.
* [ ] Set up a Forecast Inkscape project, only the forecast managers
can post new issues to the kanban board, but it would be used to
monitor and understand the Inkscape forecast in detail as well as
document previous discussions.
We wanted to talk about more active mentorship programs, actively
inviting students from universities with an focus on diversity. We
want to reach out to Outreachy and talk to other groups about how to
attract new students.
* [ ] Meeting with Mo about Outreachy at Libre Planet
* [ ] Decide how much money we want to spend on a mentorship program
(board meeting)
* [ ] Decide how to attract students and if we want mentors and
students to be online or if we want programs run through existing
university programs and networks.
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