11 Dec
11 Dec
11:02 a.m.
On Fri, 2015-12-11 at 02:27 +0100, Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz wrote:
I just commit a fix, I hope is not a problem is a short diff.
Jabier, I think you are right about moving the knot from display/guideline to sp-guide, being able to call the guideline signal on pass through from the node requires access to the SPGuide object which isn't available in SPGuideline. So the ruler stuff (and even the snap to origin) can't work yet.
It's actually very interesting how nasty SPKnot is if there's no desktop yet. I wonder if that's the thing we need to fix, so we have a on ready or some other signal to notify us when we can actually display things.
Any ideas?