john cliff wrote:
On 10/21/07, Josh Andler <scislac@...400...> wrote:
You can't currently "select" the fill or stroke of an object with a tool, so performing opacity operations on an object level makes sense (as the object is what's selected). Otherwise how would it know if you're attempting to change the fill's opacity/alpha or that of the stroke? With gradient stops, you can select those "objects" and can therefore change the alpha/opacity of said object(s) with that spinbutton. Even in the gradient tool, if you want the opacity change to be performed on an object level, deselect any selected stops and use the spinbutton... in fact, that treats the object as you say it should... an object with a gradient applied (since you don't have a specific component/stop of said gradient selected).
Your changing the alpha of the stop thats selected, I have no problem with that concept, I just dont see why we're making the alpha slider associated with the color useless, and killing the functionality of the master one. we've essentially disabled one to let the other do the same thing, and lost control of the overall object. The last point, is exactly what I'm trying to say, it suddenly switches back to a different function, with no indication whatsoever. If this is all about the little slider at the bottom, have it do something different, I have no great issue with that, although I would change the label dynamically to indicate what its affecting. its why the fill stroke dialog itself suddenly behaves differently that I have issues with, as master opacity stops doing what its labelled as when you select a stop.
Ahhhh... now this is making more sense. This is a bug in the F&S dialog rather than the functionality of the opacity spinbutton in the statusbar. A bugfix in the F&S dialog would untie the dialog's "master opacity" slider from the statusbar opacity spinbutton. That way the F&S dialog's "master opacity" slider is working on the object level, since the alpha slider takes care of the stop's color. Is this wrong?
And in addition to that, the O: label changing to A: in the statusbar would help to clarify the context change for that, right? And yeah, jabber has been down for a while, but I think we're on the same page now. :-)