On 2014-04-18 15:50 +0100, frizzlefry wrote:
On Apr 18, 2014, at 5:09 AM, duvrai [via Inkscape] <email snipped> wrote:
OK, I just found out about the new development on native Inkscape for Mac. You can even download the latest unstable builds! It's all here: https://code.launchpad.net/~suv-lp/inkscape/osxmenu
If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion below: http://inkscape.13.x6.nabble.com/Mac-OS-X-Mountain-Lion-x86-64-packaging-of-...
Yes, the osxmenu branch is looking really fantastic. I believe though that those builds are hosted on su_v’s personal drobox account, and considering the amount of traffic this thread has been getting (it’s over 10k views now), it may be better to share them as torrents or mirror them somewhere else so su_v’s account doesn’t get hammered.
There seem to be "semi-detached" discussions going on at the nabble mirror of the 'inkscape-devel' mailing list.
@all - please keep this discussion on the 'inkscape-devel' mailing list. If you want to contribute to the discussion, subscribe to it via sourceforge.net. Messages posted on a web mirror of the mailing list archive are _not_ automatically forwarded to the list unless you are subscribed to the list yourself.
Personally, I will not check the nabble server regularly for comments which have not been accepted by the mailing list server.
As mentioned in the original thread about the pending release of Inkscape 0.48.5 (a different thread than this one), the builds / packages based on the 'osxmenu' branches are still at an experimental stage right now. Please do _not_ distribute those builds without my knowledge elsewhere (mirror, or as torrents, or whatever). Do not post links to the dropbox folder outside of the 'inkscape-devel' mailing list either, thx (frizzlefry is right about this being my personal dropbox account, as explained in my original mail).
Hopefully, in the near future there will be official OS X development builds available for download via links on the official download page at inkscape.org.
Please note also that the 'osxmenu' branch is not the same as the packages in discussed in this (old) thread, and that su_v and Valerio Aimale are not the same person.
Thx, su_v