On Sep 30, 2005, at 8:58 AM, Bob Jamison wrote:
Jon A. Cruz wrote:
On Sep 27, 2005, at 7:51 AM, John Taber wrote:
Is it that hard to translate the java to c++ ? Shouldn't be, though I've learned nothing in software is trivial.
Actually, it should.
There's enough fundamental difference to the languages and libraries that anything non-trivial can't just be translated.
Instead it would need to be re-implemented.
I don't see the problem here at all. Calling out to the Java VM is no harder than calling out to Perl or Python. In fact, Java's C API is actually a lot cleaner than those (especially that awful Perl crappy API).
He was talking about taking all the *.java files and converting them to *.cpp files.
An aside note: Some people have an irrational Java-phobia. More like a language racism. If it works, it works, whatever the paradigm. Any worthwhile programmer should use every available tool in the toolkit, and not limit himself to any single mode. All of those "X is better than Y" arguments are silly and childish. ;-)
Not I.
I've worked professionally with Java since '95 and '96, and have done many personal and company projects with it.
Just wait till we have nice DOM bindings for external languages. :-D