The inside of joins should look better now.
Thanks! And actually, I think I found the reason for my "hard to make points appear" issue. And I think it might have been resolved since. See the attachment.
I made that example in a version of Inkscape on Windows. As you can see, if the control point was on one side, the pointy edges would not appear. But moving them to the other side somehow fixed the problem. So it had nothing to do with miter limit!
However, I wanted to make sure, so I took that example home where I use Linux. By then the Linux version had been updated, and somehow the points render correctly now regardless of the position of the control point (did you fix something in the meantime?)
Apart from that there's some rendering issues for large lines, but those are extreme cases. It's definitely quite nice to use now!
Now my main wish-item involves quickly accessing settings. The most accessible way may be to have a drop-down option for "Last powerstroke settings" (shorter name needed...) Being able to save each settings and access them from the toolbar drop-downs would be even better, but that doesn't seem to be trivial to do right now.
Amazing work by the way!