Some major changes were planned to the selector tool, see e.g. Bulia's list of changes in.
you'll have to scroll down a bit....
One of them was to have an option to snap either the APPROXIMATE_BBOX or the GEOMETRIC_BBOX, which would enable us to remove the confusing snap nodes / snap bbox option. In the future snapping to the grid/guide/path will always occur when the relevant grid/guide/path is visible, but that's for later.
For now I've implemented the two bbox modes hard coded in the constructor of Inkscape::Seltrans in seltrans.cpp (at line 98). You can select the behavior you'd like and experiment with it, but for default I left at APPROXIMATE_BBOX. If you all agree on this new behavior then I will change the preferences in the UI, but I've never touched the UI before so I would like to have some feedback before diving into this. Along the way I've solved various snapping bugs, but probably also introduced some fresh ones. Let me know if you find one!
There are some things to note:
- If you choose the GEOMETRIC_BBOX, the handles will now be located at the GEOMETRIC_BBOX (they used to be always located at the APPROXIMATE_BBOX) - The origin option is not being used and will be deleted soon. - The origin doesn't drift away any longer (unless the object is being mirrored while scaling/stretching and APPROXIMATE_BBOX has been selected, but I still need to fix that) - The stroke width scales while dragging, even when the corresponding button has been disabled. When releasing the handle everything turns out just fine, but while dragging it still looks like snapping wrong. I don't think this is due to the selector tool though. Has anyone looked into this before?
Diederik van Lierop