On Mon, 30 Aug 2004 16:44:16 +0100, Mike Hearn wrote:
I'm respinning the nightly build now to confirm the fix works. There's no need for alarm, standard builds for Fedora should work fine. This is just a teething problem with autopackage.
The nightly builds are working perfectly again :) Even the crash-after-select bug has gone in them, for some reason.
Bryce, I have to disappear again for a week, so it might be worth taking the autopackage for the 0.39 release down and just leaving the nightly builds. I'm still no closer to understanding what is going wrong with that build, but as it seems to be gone in the CVS nightlies I'm tempted to write it off to gremlins.
It should be noted that Fedora Core ncurses broke tput a bit so the build of autopackage the nightlies and 0.39 are against doesn't render the command line frontend quite right. It's a minor aesthetic issue fixed in CVS, but some people have noticed it and wondered what's up.
thanks -mike