Igor Novikov wrote:
So guys please select a way for UniConvertor integration. As for our project we have resolved support issues from our users concerning UniConvertor update providing current UniConvertor MSI package. But I can not insist on a certain variant of Inkscape development because you better know the objectives, methods and requirements of your project. Nevertheless we are ready improving any integration variant.
So, just to be clear, what ways are there for calling UniConverter? A command-line executable and a GUI? Both stand-alone applications?
If so, I think I would prefer calling a commandline executable, it's not that difficult to prevent a "dos prompt" popping up on Windows and catching stdout if necessary (in principle it could even be used to communicate with Inkscape). This would probably give us much less trouble then trying to interoperate with a GUI program on different platforms (not impossible, but much less flexible and more prone to "weird" issues).