On 10/5/07, bulia byak wrote:
On 10/4/07, Jon A. Cruz wrote:
I can lend a hand with getting you going. I've also been looking into gradients recently with the CREATE efforts on unifying things.
I think what we need for CREATE is a gradient/pattern/symbol gallery, not a gradient properties dialog. I think Joel was working on something like this.
Discussion of new swatch file format in the CREATE mailing lists started from the idea to setup an Open Clip Art/Open Font Library like server for swatches, gradients etc., so that we could let users interact and share data in a new way.
This actually means that those galleries, if we agree on functionality, will have to support remote ccHost based data storages, tags, metadata and all that jazz. For which we already have underlying infrastructure (well, partly).
I'm not sure, who is Joel, but I hope that he takes it into account :)
And while we are at this, I'm curious, if Inkscape could handle local Open Clip Art collections, once downloadable, just like it handles remote collection via ccHost API. Consider shared clipart used within one design company on a plain network storage (in case Intranet-based ccHost instance is not possible).