On Sun, 2008-12-14 at 22:18 +0300, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
ANyway, it would be handy to also have some sort of UI for saving Existing filters. E.g. choose "Save as preset" or the like in context menu in Filter Effects dialog and see a dialog like this:
Name of filter: [entry field] Hint: [entry field] Category: [combobox]
[Cancel] [OK]
And just importing filters (same Filter Effects dialog) from existing documents without saving them to $FILTERS directory would be awesome.
Well the names are the same names that you put on them in the filters editor. So at least that part is done :)
I'm curious what we should do here. I feel that the "File" menu is too cluttered but I think we should really have a "Save to Filters" and a "Save to Templates" options. I'd both of those features to be more discoverable.