On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 5:40 AM, ~suv
<suv-sf@...58...> wrote:
On 13/8/10 03:02, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
> On 7/11/10, Igor Novikov wrote:
>>> What exactly needs adding / updating in order for 1.1.5 to work as an
>>> internal installation, e.g. one that uses Inkscape's Python and GTK
>>> stack?
>> At first you need adding sk1libs package, after that uniconvertor package.
>> Building requirements you can find in setup.cfg Also you can take a look at
>> sk1libs/setup_win32.py
>> I think all libs are already in Inkscape bundle because it uses the same
>> native libs as UniConvertor (libjpeg, libfreetype, liblcms etc.)
> So, do we have this solved for Windows and/or Mac?
Mac: UniConvertor was never bundled with Inkscape on OS X.
Unfortunately there are no UniConvertor 1.1.5 packages for OS X
available for download, and according to
UniConvertor 1.1.5 fails to work on OS X if built from the sources (I
haven't yet tried myself to build 1.1.5, only 1.1.4 and SVN r187).
AFAIU bundling UniConvertor with Inkscape.app for all the supported
platforms/archs would likely increase download size too much. OTOH many
Mac users don't have the skills to install it on the command line, and a
recent request for a UniConvertor port in MacPorts hasn't seen further
activity yet <http://trac.macports.org/ticket/26016>.