-----Original Message----- From: lib2geom-devel-bounces@lists.sourceforge.net [mailto:lib2geom-devel-bounces@lists.sourceforge.net] On Behalf Of bulia byak Sent: vrijdag 21 maart 2008 20:40 To: Engelen, J.B.C. (Johan) Cc: inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net; lib2geom-devel@lists.sourceforge.net Subject: Re: [Lib2geom-devel] [Inkscape-devel] GSoC tag-team for lib2geomintegration
On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 4:18 PM, <J.B.C.Engelen@...1578...> wrote:
Yesterday I had a chat with mgsloan about lib2geom
integration for GSoC'08.
A general question: has anyone compared performance of 2geom with that of livarot for those tasks where we use livarot - boolops, offsets, etc?
I haven't heard of it. It's a good question :S
Also, I'd like to nominate the tweak tool as a candidate for the conversion :) It uses livarot black magic and there are many problems with that (precision, autoclosing of open paths) that I have no idea how to fix with livarot.
I think anything is nominated! I'll make a special note to get the tweak tool early in the process ;)