On Tue, 2006-10-03 at 00:18 -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
On Mon, Oct 02, 2006 at 03:05:20PM -0700, Jon Phillips wrote:
I wonder if a chart that details our level of support for the various major SVG specs. would help? This would be a great way to visualize what needs to be added.
What would really be cool is to have some type of testing for each of these areas in the spec, hook this into our crucible testing of inkscape and give us automated testing over how we support these different profiles. This would be cool. Bryce, what do you think about this?
Well, we'd need to have a test-case for each feature in the spec. Does the W3C testsuite cover SVG Tiny fully enough?
Jon Cruz or anyone know the answer to this?
I just looked on their site and looks like the SVG Tiny 1.1 test suite is pretty complete: http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/
They have a web-based and SVG test harness for both basic and tiny...
This would be so cool to hook this test suite in with Inkscape and really would give us a clear mission on becoming fully compliant...I can see it now - autofiling of bug reports with errors...it would be a visual game to try and close out features and bugs because we can clearly see and measure how compliant we are against this test suite.
Bryce, if you think its a good idea, I wonder if you could help us outline how to get up-and-running on this with crucible.