On Sun, 2 Jan 2005, Alan Horkan wrote:
was considered before the possibility to use a Wiki page for hosting the FAQ? i believe this can greatly simplify your 6-step proposed procedure, this is a prefect use case for a Wiki
I don't remember why this was done as a regular web page instead of a wiki page, but I'd support switching to a wiki if someone sets it up. You make a good point that this is a perfect use casefor a Wiki.
I think it got defaced a lot very early on and also I think there was some notion of using Wiki for creating pages and moving them to static pages when they were more complete.
It appears that we've managed to lick the defacement problem. Reports of wikispam have been as low as I can ever recall since the start of the project.
For a page as important and high profile as the FAQ it might be worth considering some extra controls such as moderation or some other way to carefully track changes.
Wiki includes a capability for doing administrative locking. More importantly, wiki's Change History function provides really accessible ways to track changes (even simpler than it is with CVS imho).
Wikipedia does a good job of controlling/moderating/tracking changes by a LOT of people with many different biases to important, high profile pages. If they can do it with wiki, I have every confidence that we can too. :-)
For me, the larger issue is the current infrequency of updating that the FAQ gets. I think having it in CVS makes it a bit too much hassle for most folks to bother with it. Some churn/inaccuracy in the FAQ would be acceptable if it meant that it gets more frequent updating.