Andy Fitzsimon wrote:
... Here's what i recommend:
Kill: gray, blues, gold, green, reds, royal. hilte, topographic, khaki, and inkscape-default (its a bad default)
Keep, tango, echo, ubuntu, XP, latex, websafe22, webhex
Add: Android palette (below) and fedora's echo palette ------------ Replying to this thread from 2010
I recently added the Android palette on the trunk (r11728) and have a patch for sorting the palettes (only affects Linux it seems bug #1060563) Is there still a consesus/desire to remove these palettes ?
* blues, gold, green, reds, royal, hilte ana khakiI believe gray and topographic were requested to keep.
Jasper van de Gronde wrote:
This gives a total of 47 colors, which means doesn't scroll even on 1024x768 (windows xp). If necessary for some reason the three extra grays can be added (for a total of 50 colors), still without scrolling.
Is there interest in adding Jasper's nice 47 color palette as well ? GIMP Palette Name: Test # generated by 0 0 0 Black 26 26 26 90% Gray 51 51 51 80% Gray 76 76 76 70% Gray 102 102 102 60% Gray 128 128 128 50% Gray 153 153 153 40% Gray 178 178 178 30% Gray 204 204 204 20% Gray 230 230 230 10% Gray 255 255 255 White 128 0 0 Maroon (#800000) 255 0 0 Red (#FF0000) 255 128 128 #FF8080 128 64 0 #804000 255 128 0 #FF8000 255 191 128 #FFBF80 128 128 0 Olive (#808000) 255 255 0 Yellow (#FFFF00) 255 255 128 #FFFF80 64 128 0 #408000 127 255 0 Chartreuse (#7FFF00) 191 255 128 #BFFF80 0 128 0 Green (#008000) 0 255 0 Lime (#00FF00) 128 255 128 #80FF80 0 128 64 #008040 0 255 127 Spring green (#00FF7F) 128 255 191 #80FFBF 0 128 128 Teal (#008080) 0 255 255 Aqua (#00FFFF) 128 255 255 #80FFFF 0 64 128 #004080 0 128 255 #0080FF 128 191 255 #80BFFF 0 0 128 Navy (#000080) 0 0 255 Blue (#0000FF) 128 128 255 #8080FF 64 0 128 #400080 128 0 255 #8000FF 191 128 255 #BF80FF 128 0 128 Purple (#800080) 255 0 255 Fuchsia (#FF00FF) 255 128 255 #FF80FF 128 0 64 #800040 255 0 128 #FF0080 255 128 191 #FF80BF