On 2010-10-24 20:23, ~suv wrote:
On 23/10/10 23:13, J.B.C.Engelen@...1578... wrote:
From: Alexandre Prokoudine [mailto:alexandre.prokoudine@...400...]
We were planning to release 0.48.1 around October 25.
I notice a lot of "VoidSymbol" in the menu of 0.48.x... am I the only one who has those 'errors' ?
AFAICT either r9679 [1] has to be backed out of the 0.48.x branch, or the other revisions in trunk for the shortcuts in tooltips [2] have to be backported to 0.48.x as well: r9745 and r9747 [3].
I have an obvious preference (get the tooltips in there), as this was an oft heard problem during LGM and could really help the discoverability of shortcuts. However, I'm very busy trying to finish my master thesis and don't really have the time to figure out how to properly backport those changes and check that they didn't break anything else. So if someone else could have a go at it that would be great! Otherwise it might just be better to back out r9679 (assuming that that indeed helps and doesn't introduce any more serious problems).