2010/2/2 Martin Sucha <martin.sucha-ml@...2313...>:
Hi all,
it may seem to be a stupid question, but I can't find answer anywhere...
How can I get SPItem from Inkscape::XML::Node? (or create group object and get xml node from that - I need both)
Use SPDocument::getObjectByRepr and cast the result to SPItem.
There is some Doxygen documentation for the XML tree, but the SP tree is mostly undocumented. Run Doxygen in the toplevel source directory to create the documentation. It should appear in doc/html; open the file doc/html/index.html to access it.
Note that directly modifying the XML is somewhat wrong. I think we should make the XML representation private to SPObjects. However, this is a long term goal. If there's no way to do what you want using only SP tree methods, it's OK to operate on XML nodes for now.
Regards, Krzysztof