We considered either calling it 0.39.5 and keeping with the roadmap as is, or calling it 0.40 and bumping the roadmap a bit. I believe there was a rough concensus for the latter at the time - this still true?
I think few people will bother downloading 0.39.5. It sounds way too much like a bugfix release - not everyone reads Release Notes. Besides, long and unwieldy release numbers are a pain. 0.38.1 was enough to find that out :)
I browsed through the bug list yesterday, and we seem to be in fairly good shape (thanks most likely to the continuing attention the bug list receives).
I disagree. Our bug tracker is frightening. Lots of mysterious bugs which I don't know how they are possible at all. Lots of unconfirmed bugs. Lots of just plain very hard to fix bugs.
Not surprisingly, as very little attention was paid to the bugs in the last couple months.
We need more help with that. I want to ask everyone who is capable of running current CVS to browse the bug list and comment on as many bugs as possible. Just test it and report if you can reproduce it or not, and if you can, provide as much details as possible. Focus on crasher bugs, but also on any bugs without comments or with comments to the effect of "can't reproduce". We need as much feedback as possible, so this will be a real help to the project. Please try to not post anonymously, simply because if you leave a comment with your SF username the tracker will send you further comments on that bug, which is very convenient for discussions and asking for more information.
There are fewer crash bugs listed than we've had in the past, and most of those occur only in special situations (such as Win32-only),
I don't think Windows users will agree to be treated as a "special situation" :)