On 10/16/07, Gerrit . <g99k@...19...> wrote:
Currently no code for this exists, but I was just planning to add a new canvasitem for circles (I will use it for Tweak tool cursor). Once it's in you will also be able to use it. But small fixed-sized circles are already possible and used e.g. for bezier handles in Node tool.
Would these be SPKnot objects with shape set to SP_KNOT_SHAPE_CIRCLE? Just found that one with the keywords you gave me.
"Center of the object" is ambiguous. If you want just the center of the bbox, click the selection a second time and it will display a handle in the rotation center, which by default is in the center of the bbox.
Cool, I didn't notice this one either. Unfortunately, I don't mean the center of the bounding box, but the origin of the object's inner coordinate system, as if you placed a tiny circle at (0,0) inside the selected group node. Maybe I can change the code so that the crosshair is (optionally?) displayed at the object's origin instead of the bbox center?
Yes, you can relatively easily modify seltrans to draw one more handle, indicating the coordinate origin. The code should not be too difficult to figure out. But I'm honestly not sure this feature needs to be in the Inkscape trunk even as an option - I don't see how it's useful. Can you provide a few use cases?