Bryce Harrington <bryce@...1...> writes:
From: Charles Moir <CharlesM@...1042...> Subject: RE: Linux port To: Mike Hearn <mike@...869...>
Of course, this assumes the code bases are similar enough to be mergable. Inkscape uses fairly regular C++ but if Xara is riddled with COM/MFC idioms it might cause issues
Pretty clean OO design and C++ from day one. In fact from day one it was designed to be platform portable. We just never got around to doing any port other than Windows. No COM / MFC in the core at all - that's why and how we got the viewer working so quickly (which is all the main core tree building / rendering pipeline / engine stuff).
FWIW, John Palmieri blogged about Xara's announcement (http://www.martianrock.com/?p=153) and a comment there linked to a nice post about Xara from 1995: http://groups.google.com/group/comp.sys.acorn/msg/8c89e4d2b2fb2f3c?hl=en&...
Cheers, Colin