Thanks for the comments.

Johan: good idea!! moving the starting point should move the end point as well...

Max: I also started a "dynamic stroke" lpe some times ago, which I stopped because I thought this was already in progress :-)
which toy is that??

bulia byak: I locally modified stitch to let it do hatches, giving a "flow" or "hair" like output (mostlikely combined with sketch). I hesitate to commit as the result is more different from original curvestitch lpe than what I expected. Maybe it should become another new lpe, but there are already too many of them ;-) The best would certainly me to use git to share my local experiments!!

As for hatches, using a path parameter (in fact two: one for each side of the hatches) is easy, but randomness enters less naturally in the picture. If you want to have random "U turns" at the ends of the hatches for instance, I guess parametric hatches are more natural. Moreover, I'm not sure fancy hatches are absolutely necessary here + the width of the stroke would most likely depend on distance between hatches (which we want to vary randomly). I'll keep thinking about it.

What about a flag to output straight hatches that sketch could... sketch?
