On Tue, 15 May 2007 13:18:00 -0400, Gail Banaszkiewicz <gbanaszk@...1686...> wrote:
If I need to "do" anything to put my blog up in whatever consolidated site we choose, let me know.
Blogger should provide an RSS/Atom feed automatically, so we're good on that front.
Does the tagging that Blogger lets you do help choose what posts get put onto the planet site?
Not unless there's a way to set up different feeds for different sets of tags -- not being a Blogger user I'm not really sure.
Because not all are going to be SoC related.
That shouldn't be a big deal actually, particularly if we're talking about planet.inkscape.org, where we go "off-topic" much of the time. planet.inkscape has been more of a window into whatever Inkscape people are currently doing than an Inkscape group blog as such.