On Wed, 2007-11-21 at 20:32 +0100, J.B.C.Engelen@...1578... wrote:
I don't think we want a release now, so we can quickly address issues that surface. I think it is best to keep 2geom inside Inkscape code for 0.46, and have a good and nice 2geom release for 0.47. This way we can profit from bleeding edge 2geom which atm is nicer than a release will be imho. I am fine by copying 2geom code to Inkscape for now :-)
We can for development, but I'd prefer not to for release. Unless the lib2geom folks are unwilling to release it, I'd prefer to go that route.
The biggest advantage this gives us is that they can fix bugs independent of Inkscape. So, if the intersection routine turns out to be numerically unstable in a certain situation a spin of lib2geom can be done without having to do a release of Inkscape. And Inkscape users still get the benefit.