On 23/11/09 15:34, Wolf Drechsel wrote:
thanks for your hints. Sorry - but the remedy doesnt cureā¦
I don't understand why it didn't work for you. Your crash report is *identical* to the point with the one attached in bug #183322 comment #7 that was fixed by editing 'Contents/Resources/etc/fonts/fonts.conf' of the precompiled 0.46-3 Inkscape package from sf.net.
I did both (remove ~/.fontconfig and remove "<cachedir>fontconfig</cachedir>" in the fonts.conf - neither makes it work.
NB.: I'm talking about the precompiled inkscape 0.46 on a macports-X11-environment.
1) basic checks: (sorry if I am asking again, but it's unclear from your answer what exactly you did remove and what stayed)
- the folder '~/.fontconfig/' itself still exists? (Inkscape.app doesn't create it itself, it has to exist before you launch Inkscape)
- you only removed the one line from 'fonts.conf' as described: <cachedir>/opt/local/var/cache/fontconfig</cachedir> but left the second one intact <cachedir>~/.fontconfig</cachedir> (the second one needs to stay in 'fonts.conf' of Inkscape 0.46)
- any new fonts installed (on the OS X side, not X11) since the last successful launch of Inkscape 0.46?
2) "the precompiled inkscape 0.46 on a macports-X11-environment"
a) Could you please confirm that your attached crash report happened with Inkscape 0.46-3 Tiger when using the original X11/XFree86 1.1.3 supplied by Apple? I am reading the crash report that it happened using the old X11 version installed (in '/usr/X11R6/').
b) precompiled Inkscape 0.46-3 on OS X Tiger with an updated X11/Xquartz installation via MacPorts - I haven't heard from other users trying this setup on Tiger. And it is beyond what I could support due to lack of access to and experience with Tiger installations. Some comments nevertheless:
- Which version of X11/Xquartz gets installed on Tiger via MacPorts? Does it already include and use the new launching mechanism of 'launchd' to automatically start X11 when demanded by another app?
- If Xquartz on Tiger uses 'launchd' like on Leopard, you will have to work on the launcher script bundled with Inkscape 0.46-3 Tiger, because AFAIU the bundled script ('Contents(Resources/script') will still try to launch the old X11 binary, relying on the old $DISPLAY scheme.