Happy New Year to everybody and let 2006 be the year when Inkscape rules!
I recently tested the new document properties pannel on mac os X. I think I am a bit late for that but I liked better the first one (with frames) because it was more compact even if it was not HIG compliant. Would it be possible to have the metadata tab scrollable and the others more compact so that the dialog is smaller. I keep this one open very frequently to change snapping settings and I think it would be really nice to have it smaller.
Another problem is with snapping and the freehand and bezier tools: snapping to grid seems to be always on for these tools as long as the grid is displayed and whatever the status of snapping is in the Document Properties pannel (even before the it is changed). Is it the desired behaviour? If it is it should be the same for all tools and it does not seem to be the case.
Finally, the current distinction between "screen pixels" and "px units" is not really clear to me. what are px units? 1 px unit = 1 grid unit? may be it could be explained a bit better if it is to be kept.
Thank you in advance for considering this. I would happily fill a bug report for the second problem if it is necessary.
PS: for testing purposes the new document preferences pannel is in the last two dev builds for mac os X (24 december and 4 january). btw, is there no way to have the downloads for these builds mirrored and handled by sourceforge? because the download rate is awfully low and the download fails very often.