Am Donnerstag, den 16.08.2007, 21:43 -0300 schrieb Bruno Dilly:
Hi people,
I implemented a new feature: import from open clip art library. When you have some time (and if you have interest), take a look on this and give me some feedback.
my first test was like this: - started Inkscape - opened File -> Import from OPAL First hint, please write openclipart.org or Open Clip Art Library and not OCAL. - then I entered a tag and nothing happened - then I started Incskape from the command line and got there this warning:
WARNING **: Could not find the Open Clip Art Library rss feed. Verify if the OCAL url is correct in Configuration
1. What is the right URL? 2. Why is it configurable?
- Then I looked into the preferences and found it in Misc
Why in Misc and not an one category? Perhaps add an category Import/Export and move the other import/export related preferences into that new category too. Here I would like to have a reset to default button behind the URL. (If the URL really need to be an user visible option) The other think that I don't like is that the password is saved in plain text in the preferences.xml. Perhaps you can find a better solution here.
Regards, Tobias