If you go to: http://home.hccnet.nl/th.v.d.gronde/inkscape/ResultViewer.html you will now see an up-to-date list of test results for Inkscape's rendering tests. It now contains one column, each time I run the tests a column will be added (to the left). It's still pretty bare-bones, but I hope I (or someone else) will find some time to improve it in the near future.
I plan to run the tests regularly for at least the next two months or so. I have to run the tests more or less manually though (I created a batch file to automate most steps, but I still have to run the batch file manually, on my notebook...), so I'm interested in any suggestions people might have for hosting (more) fully automated tests.
You don't see any test for your favorite rendering bug? No problem, if the bug is already in the bug tracker with the required test files (read on), just mail me and I'll add it. If not, create an SVG demonstrating the problem (small and simple please) and one or more of the following: - A PNG of the wrong output. - A PNG of the right output (preferably exact). - An SVG that should look exactly the same, but is rendered correctly by Inkscape. Then attach the files to the corresponding bug in the bug tracker (or create a new bug and attach the files if it isn't the tracker yet) and mail me (or anyone else who has SVN access).
Of course, if you have SVN access you can add tests yourself.
The bugtracker: http://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape
For more information about Inkscape's (rendering) tests: http://www.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/TestingInkscape
The test suite in SVN: https://inkscape.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/inkscape/gsoc-testsuite The directory 'tester' contains the actual rendering tests, the directory ResultViewer contains my clumsy attempt at a GWT project.