bulia byak wrote, On 01/13/09 19:24:
On 1/13/09, Thomas Holder wrote:
spiro mode in freehand pen tool does not make sense.
Why? Right off, it produces smoother curves, especially at high smoothing value. At low smoothing, the visible difference is not that great, but when you start to node-edit it, the behavior is quite different, and for me, much more pleasant. I want all my paths to behave that way when editing, so why exclude one of the path tools?
Ok, it might work quite well in practice so the claim to remove the button is not justified. But from the algorithmic point of view, it rather works by chance. In the first step a cubic bezier is fitted to the sequence of points that have been drawn on canvas. In the second step spiro interpolation is applied to these bezier nodes. A spiro spline fitted to the same sequence of points would probably result in different nodes.
Try to draw a rectangle in spiro mode with high smoothing threshold, the result is a rather circle-like shape.