News articles out today note something that might help boost Inkscape... if we can leverage it.
Microsoft IE9 Platform Pops with Speed, Standards http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2361407,00.asp = = = ... New support for SVG-scalable vector graphics Sure, you can offer a PDF download for complex content like floor plans and org charts, but why not make these decipherable right inside the Web page? SVG allows just that. SVG is a W3C standard for animated, interactive graphics based on paths rather than bitmaps. No matter how much you zoom in on an SVG image, edges remain razor sharp—unlike bitmapped image formats like JPEG, which show degradation as you enlarge them. This holds true for text, too; that's key for the org-chart example mentioned above.
In fact, John Hrvatin, senior program manager lead for Internet Explorer, told journalists that IE9 is the first browser that natively supports SVG inline with HTML—previously XHTML was required. SVG is the descendant of VML, which came out of the Visio drawing tool. Other browsers use SVG for the popular map sites, while until version 9, IE has uses VML.
"SVG is a huge standard," said Visio veteran and now Internet Explorer partner program manager Ted Johnson. "We're not doing all of it in the first release, but we're doing a tremendous amount of it. When we ship, we're going to be covering all the way through what we consider 'static SVG.' Filter effects, animation, and fonts won't be included. A lot of these are still in flux. What's exciting about SVG is that you can easily see the markup in view source alongside its graphical result in the browser." = = =
And some "straight from the horse's mouth" at
HTML5, Hardware Accelerated: First IE9 Platform Preview Available for Developers http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2010/03/16/html5-hardware-accelerated-first...