chapter 1 a) toggle to selector tool, try to select the rectangle by clicking on it -> impossible (cool)
b) try to select object with click-drag ctrl-click or shift-click -> possible (don't know if it is cool or not...)
Must be impossible of course. The reason is that arenaitems inherit sensitivity from parents while SPItems do not. Click selection works through arenaitem while most other ways to select work through SPItem. For visibility, inheritance is handled by SPstyle, but sensitivity is not a style property.
Mental: I now fixed that by traversing the chain of all parents in SPItem::isLocked(). Please review this fix. It works but may not be optimal. Perhaps better if you can make it inherited in the setter, not getter.
and try to modify then -> possible (not cool)
Once you manage to select it, it's modifiable as usual. That's OK, so long as insensitivity is honored by all selection methods, taking inheritance into account.
c) open the XML editor, select the rectangle, go back to canvas, the rectangle is selected and can be modified scaled, filed, transformed... (cool)
d) toggle to rectangle tool, try to select the rectangle -> possible (not cool), and the rectangle can be modified
That's fixed too
toggle again to selector tool -> the rectangle is selected (not cool) and can be modified
Again, if you manage to select it, you win. You can modify it to your heart's content. Our goal is to prevent you from selecting it :)
chapter 2 in the same (locked) layer toggle to any shape tool and try to draw another shape -> possible (don't know if it is cool or not)
I think it's not cool but it needs fixing in many places, so unlikely to be ready for the release.