Bryce Harrington wrote:
is provided as information, not as advocacy; we may or may not adopt a similar approach, but the intent of providing the info is simply to bring awareness to that approach.
No, I guess what I mean is more of a "Neutral Point of View" (borrowing some Wikipedia lingo). I.e., try to describe the nature of the feature without trying to 'diss' it or 'sell' it particularly. Or think of it as "just the facts, ma'am".
I just want to add my 2 euros cents thinking. Well in fact i work with a infographiste very used to photoshop, illustrator and Xpress.
I want from her to work (for the files i need) with gimp, inkscape and scribus (real production work). there is no problems except with gimp : she really don't like (it i'll try with gimp2.)
About interfaces, dialogs, menu etc... People using application on a 8 hours a day basis use.... shortcuts, sometimes, they don't remember where to find the action ctrl+shit+H in the menus.
she is very excited with the new Super-Bulia-shortcut-world, as soon as i will have time to compile it. Inkscape is really really a great piece of software for vector drawing. and.. He is the only one i use.. and i have.