2013/11/17 Alex Valavanis <valavanisalex@...400...>:
- cxxtest - There's a patch for building against an external copy, but
it introduces a few compiler warnings and there's no OSX port of cxxtest available yet [1]. We're currently running an ancient version with no customisation... we should really bump to the most recent upstream version and wait for OSX before we can drop it. Also, there's talk of replacing this with the google test framework.
We could replace cxxtest with Google Test, which is much more pleasant to use from the test writer's perspective and does not require custom preprocessors.
- 2geom - Tracking the possibility of building against an external
copy here [2]. Last time I checked, there was a crash on startup. Perhaps it would be helpful to explicitly track the upstream revision of lib2geom that's currently embedded in trunk? Until it's packaged in distros, there's not much scope for aggressively pursuing this!
API-breaking changes are still the norm for 2Geom, so I don't think it can be separated any time soon.
- libnrtype - I believe that there was a plan to replace most/all of
this with Pango [6]. Is this still the intention? Is anyone in particular coordinating things?
The directory name is misleading. libnrtype is not a standalone library. It is just a bunch of classes implementing text handling in Inkscape, and it uses Pango under the hood. There is some room for improvement, but overall it is in fairly good shape and replacing this part of the code is not necessary.
- livarot - Apparently huge deviation from upstream lib [8]. Not in
many distros.
livarot must die - the sooner the better. All relevant code should be ported to 2Geom.
Regards, Krzysztof