Quoting Bryce Harrington <bryce@...260...>:
So far, I've been the main person who posts news regularly. I'm okay with and used to using the existing system, so would need further convincing of why we should change.
Well, there are reasons why I ask you to post occasional news entries rather than doing it myself...
...especially when the users are technically skillful enough to deal with HTML, SSH and CVS.
While I'm nominally skilled enough, it's generally more hoops than I'm willing to jump through just to post a news item. I'd certainly do it personally sometimes if it were less involved.
I've been through several website adoptions of CMS's (i.e. Zope) that turned out very badly, so am rather skeptical of the value of CMS systems in general,
Isn't Zope a web application framework rather than a CMS as such?
I think what we want here is specifically a CMS that's oriented towards posting news-ish entries -- i.e. a blog. And just use it for news. WordPress would seem to fit the bill nicely.
We should certainly look at a proof-of-concept before deciding, though.